Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The LORD is Good!!!

Well since I have last updated my blog we have done a ton. Everyday now we get to work with our kids in the mornings then we do sorting in the afternoons. Since the earthquake the orphanage has gotten a ton of relief items. On Monday we got to make relief packets for families in Kinscof. The town is up the mountain from where we are and apparently had a lot of damage but not a lot of people have been able to reach the people there. On Tuesday we sorted through a ton of clothes. We put them with various sizes and boxed them all up. Today we got to travel 30 minutes up the mountain to the new GLA site. We sorted through tons of diapers, toilet paper, Ziploc bags, and other random miscellaneous items. Did you know that all of the fences and houses are made from the rock on the mountain where the land is that they are building on? It is so fascinating. We found these preemie diapers that were so small that a small doll could where. Since there were only three diapers and they had been kind of ruined, I got to keep one. I think I will put it somewhere in my room back home so I can remember to pray for all of the babies.
There is a woman at GLA that is named Miss Vikki. She is so sweet. She takes care of this little baby that is one year old, but is only 12 pounds. He is so precious! He was a baby that was brought in after the earthquake and he was really malnourished. Miss Vikki told us that she is going to fatten him up.
Tonight Pastor Joel and his relief team came over for dinner. It was really nice to hear about what there team was doing in the tent cities. One of the men told me that there are around a million people that are living in the tent cities. It is a pretty sad deal. I am so glad that there are teams that are reaching the people in the tent cities. The people hear are still very scared to go inside any building so be praying that God will provide for this country. Pastor Joel then did bible study with us tonight. It was about going through trails so God can grow you. God is so awesome in sending the right people in our paths to encourage us.
Prayer Items:
Alyssa to get feeling better
People of the tent cities
For us to be a light in the darkness
The little babies in the NICU

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